Sunday 16 September 2012

(Mid-)September Already!!

Alright so while it has been about two months since my last post, in my defence I haven't left London so nothing's really been that exciting to write about!

Well, that's not true. I've been pretty busy, but I have a spare moment so I thought I'd write a little update for anyone who is curious as to what I've been up to. 

Much of my summer has consisted of pubs and good people and I've been having a blast living here. I feel like I've really fit into my own groove and I can honestly say I'm very happy here. I was hired on a year-long contract at the start of June at a company which manages property for the City of Westminster, and while it sounds sort of dry it's a really interesting job! I'm picking up a lot of transferable skills and it's always busy and changing so it doesn't get boring. 

My friend Heather and I (after a great deal of stress and worry) found a great 2 bed flat and we moved in about a month ago. It's such an upgrade, both the flat itself and the area, to my old place! I've taken some pictures to show off:

This is the outside... So many trees for London!
As much as I really miss everyone from home, I'm having too much fun here to come home as quickly as I had originally intended. As it stands I'll be here for another year and I can't wait to see what this year brings for me :)

Sunday 22 July 2012

Munich and Dachau

Okay okay, I was in Munich about a month ago and I'm only just getting around to posting about it now. In fairness I haven't been home much! I'll try to get an overall update up soon but for now please just enjoy my little Munich post.

The famous glockenspiel in Marienplatz. Adorable but definitely overrated!

Tuesday 3 July 2012


To sum Germany up in a word: incredible. I flew into Berlin with Kaeli from back home, and then we met Jeff and I think we covered a pretty good size of the city. I really loved Berlin, it was clean and green and had a nice alternative non-touristy feel for the most part. Everyone was pretty friendly, and there was even one night where I got lost after the bar and a few people directed me home despite claiming they barely knew English!

Monday 21 May 2012


Okay another long overdue one, I know! In all fairness, I have had a crazy past few weeks consisting of lots of overtime at work, and then a pretty bad flu. Unforeseen circumstances aside, here are some of my favourite pictures to highlight my trip.

This was taken from the window of where we were staying--incredible!

Monday 7 May 2012

Brian's Visit + Dealing with Homesickness

I apologise for yet another lag in posts, I can say that it has been due to a combination of both being extremely boring and very busy. 

Sunday 22 April 2012